What is the best way to train and discipline your dog?
Posted by YU HUAN

Able to cope with your furry friend's anxious, energetic, over-jubilant characteristically traits? You have brought home a furry companion who oozes energy, often positively. However, the same energetic nature could sometimes turn into a disaster when its actions are directed in the wrong direction. This very attribute of your new furry friend is a habit and needs not just to be understood but dealt with through positive reinforcement, an intuitive approach, and a non-negligent thought process. The potty training days of your pet dogs won't last forever, and it's quite significant to find a remedy, defining your pet's do's and don'ts in this very early stage.
Your pet dog's action should be the result of analogy and reasoning
Too early to be judged as cautious or just instinctive, your pet in its early stages pursues some vague activities. Transforming those whimsical actions to a positively thought, well-judged, and analogically sorted approach is what defines the journey of your pet training. Training your dog at home is quite a daunting and haunting task, needing you not just to be equally disciplined but punctual, result-driven, non-distractable, and always appreciable. Any form and type of analogy and reason you fill in your dog's actions result from a few simple steps you demarcate under the robust training schedule suggested to train and make your dog disciplined!
1) Look for consistency with the actions performed at the right time
It is a preconceived notion that you have to be consistent with your pet dog's potty training schedule, and the very eating, sleeping and resting routine. Very true to what is being quoted, your pet dog learns to get accustomed to a routine that you make it adapt to since the inception of the training process. Consistency is what defines how well the training is going to be at the execution level. Following the right attitude, positive thinking, ideal training routine, practicing, but a common line that stitches all these together is how you perform your actions not just with consistency but at the right time segments. Remember, a stitch in time saves nine!
2) Practice positive reinforcement
This is by far the most popular, prominent, and effective method to add to the code of conduct set for your pet dog. Positive reinforcement is the action wherein, instead of getting too harsh towards your pet dog's actions and behavior, you just need to calm down and pat your pet on the back, wilfully praising whatever activities it performs. Positive reinforcement builds trust through instilling a positive attitude and applauding during the time it gets trained. You appreciating your furry friend is nothing less than a treat for them whenever they perform any activity indoors or outdoors.
3) Don't build mistrust or fear towards yourself
Going too harsh with punishments more often turns out to be a negative reaction, building mistrust, with fear seeping in and crippling your pet down, hollowing them from within. Too negative a punishment could even turn disastrous, as a result, letting your dog act almost oppositely to what you could ever expect it to attain at the end of the training period. Be affirmative yet affectionate. If your pet indulges in something wrong while performing the daily chore, reiterate a command fixed for scolding and has been used regularly to make it aware of not getting involved in the same activity again.
4) Train them to refrain from bad behavior
Calming down a tot in full-blown tantrum mode is the next best thing to invest in for your pet to think reasonably and not just instinctively. Catching them involved in something wrong is the unwanted behavior displayed out of sheer curiosity to try new things. Redirecting the attention toward something at this point in time shifts the focus back to the stern and resilient training methods. Remember, you could go resilient but should simultaneously not distract your beloved furry friend from the real motives set behind training.
It will not happen in one day but will certainly happen one day
Training a dog through regular potty-training sessions will not give you results in one day but will surely give one day. Reaping what you have sown for months in those initial days, you have to stringently stick to some basic discipline-seeking principles later if followed consistently, become the key role players in transforming your pet into a responsible citizen in the pet fraternity. Now it's your turn to put these methods to use and discover the joy of being a pet parent.